My School Life
18 October 2015
Okay actually i should have wrote this post yesterday but since i'm a
bit busy with my homework i'll just write it today, yesterday i've studied
Physical Education, we went in to Lapangan Bali at 6.30 am
those who are late were punished with squat jumps an some of them including my
friend Rizky and Oce were punished with the task of moving mattresses.
After we finished warming up we went to play games, the first one is
moving following the hand signs of our P.E. Teacher, if his hand points forward
we have to go back, if it's pointing back we went forward, if it points left we
went right, and if it points right we went left. Halfway through the game there
was an added rule if the hand was pointing to the floor we run in our place.
It was very exhausted after that, but not long after that we were told
to play another game, the rule of the game was that i must to link my arm with
other people and then me and my team must to go in a tire by relay without
letting go of the link, at first it was very hard but later on we could keep up
with the pace, the losing team got a penalty of push- ups
The next game was moving a ball without our hands, it was very painful
for me since i can't use my hand so i was forced to use my foot which
unfortunately made my butt to press the floor, Well usually it's okay, but
recently i fell butt first at the mosque stairs so yeahh.. I'm forced to not
participate in the game for that reason. I know it's really unpleasant but my
health is more important so i accepted it.
Fortunately the last game didn't use my butt so i can participate, the
game was making a snake with each of our group, the head of the snake holds a
ball, the objective is to knock the other group's ball. There is one additional
rule though, that only the head and the tails can attack. Well the game started
with us surrounding the head like an armadillo roll to protect itself.
There is one problem about that strategy.. Well of course your defense
is almost unbreakable but on the minus side, your chance to attack is close to
0%, and to make matters worse after we started to use it all teams followed
suit and as predicted, the game ending in no win and no loss for everybody, i
later finished my geography homework at 3rd Senior High School.
After i finished my homework, i was texted to gather at the Physics Lab.
It was preparation for Geography Olympiad. I came first and waited with Kang
Dimas for the teacher to come, but it's almost 12 o' clock and no one came. So
i shared a lot of stories with Kang Dimas, and when we were talking only the
Geology teacher showed up.
After praying i continued to wait with my other friends, but the teacher
didn't show up and we started to share some stories again. Well Kang Dimas said
that we should spend some time studying and we agreed so we learned a few bits
of Metereology, after some teaching by Kang Dimas i've decided to go home since
it was 3 o' clock
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