Okay it's been a long long time since i last write on this blog so yepp as usual, let's have some fun.
I actually planned to write this blog yesterday but, i'm very exhausted and as a result can't stay awake more than 7.30 pm. That's why i write this on 3 am today. Yesterday Ms. Wiwin gave us an assignment to pick one story that was shared yesterday on class X IPA 1 , so i pick the story 500 Rupiah. Okay now i'll tell you the story.

Once upon a time, there lives a king who was renowned with his benevolence and his wiseness, he was very loved by the people, with his three sons they live very happily. But one day, the king fell gravely ill and because of his illness he knows that he have to find a successor quickly, all three of his sons was very eager to succeed their father but there was no way a kingdom would have three kings. So the king said to his sons in his bedroom, "My sons, i know that you all want to be my successor but there's no way i can inherit my throne to all of you, so i'll choose the wisest one of you all."
Then, the first son said "Pick me father, i'm wiser than my brothers." but the second son later said "No father, i'm the wisest one." then the third son said "I'm the wisest one dad, choose me.", they argue who is the best suited to inherit the throne from their father. Because of his wiseness the king finally found an answer to settle the dispute, the king said "If you think that you are wise enough to replace me, then i have a challenge for you all." They said to their father "Sure, what is it father?"
"The challenge is to fill a large empty room with something priced 500 Rupiah, you have to find the item before the sun goes down." The princes was very baffled with the challenge then the second son said to his father "Father, are you serious about this challenge?? How can you fill a room with something that was bought by 500 rupiah? And how is this showing our wiseness?" The king said to his son "Just do what i asked you and you'll understand why i gave this task to all of you."
The three princes later went to the market and search for a thing that can fill up a room that worth 500 rupiah, hastily the first son immediately buy a lot of branch while thinking " can't lose to my brothers, i must quickly return with this branch so i can become a rightful owner of the the royal throne." He went to his father with the branches and immediately try to fill the room with the branches. Unfortunately for him, it didn't even fill half of the room.
Meanwhile, the two other princes still searching for the item, when the second prince was looking around he found a discount sale of hays, so he think "These are cheap, and i think they were enough to fill the entire room."He bought all of the available hays at the market and immediately went to see his father, like the first son he tried to fill the room with hays, but he shared the same fate of not succeeding just like his older brother.

It's 5.30 pm and the sun almost fall down, the third son later sits in despair not knowing what item could fill an entire room that costs only 500 rupiah. In despair he accidentally saw an old man that was lighting a candle as a de
monstration of his goods, one of the passerby accidentally knocked the candle off to a stack of falling leaves, the fire spreads at the stack, immediately the fire from a small candle managed to burn an entire leaves stack.

Inspired by the event, the third son said to himself "I Think i know what should i bring to win this contest." He then went to the old man and buy all the candles he could with 500 rupiah, then he went to meet his father. "Father, i have the answer of your question." the prince said, the king told to his son "Fine then, show me your answer." The third son later lit the candles in the room, and then knocked all of it off, setting up a fire that burns the entire room. The king was very impressed then said "You have passed my test son, you will be next one who will rule this kingdom." The third prince later become the king and lived happily ever after with his two older brothers.
1. What is the story about?
Answer : It's about a dying king finding which of his three sons that will succeed him.
2.Who are the characters?
Answer : The king, his three sons, old man, and a passerby
3.Where is the setting?
Answer : At the king's bedroom, at a market, and at room of the test
4.What is the conflict?
Answer : All of his sons want to be a king.
5. How about the resolution?
Answer : The wise king devise a test which his third son succeed and become the new king.
6. What is the moral value?
Answer : Think smart, be witty