21 September 2015
Yesterday, I visited gamarvani. It was a good event.At first me and my friends were told to arrive at Lapangan Bali at 6.30 a.m to prepare for the pre-show parade, i arrived there first. Then my friend Oce came and we wait for the others together, although Oce is joining the parade unlike me he didn`t wear the traditional costume of West Java beacuse he is from Sulawesi, and he just moved here recently to Bandung so he haven`t yet bought the clothes yet
At 6.40 some of my friends have arrived at Lapangan Bali, Baskara, Avi, Nabila, and Zahra were already waiting at Lapangan Bali with me and Oce, i remember Avi wearing kebaya with a flashy colour (purple) while Baskara was wearing sports uniform beacuse like Oce he didn't have the traditional clothes of West Java. While Nabila and Zahra was wearing a white coloured Kebaya. 20 minutes later we were told to standby at the front gate of Lapangan Bali.
But after waiting for a hour, the parade still haven't yet started and i'm really bored waiting the parade to start. Most of my friends have arrived except for some people, such as Nadin who has a Violin lesson that day, and Suy who has a family errand to attend. The parade finally starts at 8.15 am, we walked from 3rd High School to the City Hall then went back to Lapangan Bali, after that we may enter Lapangan Bali for the Gamarvani Event.
Although it seems to be a very fun idea to enter the event at 9 am but i prefer to enter later, so Me, Rafi, Rizky, Hanif,Naufal,Oce, and Farel went to Rafi's house near Cikutra, Avi also went with us because her house was at Cikutra so she went with us then separate when she reached her house, not long after we rode angkot Suy texting us where we are, but it's too late we have already board the Angkot to Cikutra when he texted us.
Then we arrived at Rafi's house, the house is pretty big and in my opinion have a lot of expensive electronic appliances. When we arrived we all went upstairs to play game, i later played DOTA 2 on Rafi's PC, my skills have deterioriated since it's been a long time since i played the game so as expected i lost rather horribly. Suy joined us around 30 minutes later and played with us until 1.30 pm when we decided that it's time to go to the event.
On the road we have some discussion about a lot of things, such as games, homework ,and a lot of other things. When we arrived there later i instantly traded my buying receipt to a ticket at the exchange booth, then later we enter the events ground at Lapangan Bali. It was already crowded when i got there, the layout of the entrance is good but i don't think it was a good idea to cover the entrance with black fabric, beacuse it was so dusty in Lapangan Bali that i was almost suffocated when i enter by the dust trapped inside the fabric.
When i enter, i saw a lot of interesting food stands that i wanted to visit, unfortunately i didn`t bring a lot of money so i have to spend my money carefully since the price of foods were very expensive, when i got there the event that was being held was rope skipping.After that i went to go shalat outside of Lapangan Bali, after i finished praying i met Avi who asked me where was the booth to exchange ticket i showed her the way, after that we both enter Lapangan Bali

I didn't really enjoyed watching the games section of the event so i took some time to look around, other than food stalls there were also traditional games stalls, i tried to play egrang but i kept on falling so 20 minutes later i gave up. I was very thirsty after playing egrang so i decided to go tu Ultra Milk stand and tried to buy milkshake but of course almost everything in this event was expensive so i ended up ordering a regular chocolate milk,
After that i joined Avi, Suy, Rizky and others to watch the next performance. It was a band performance, i think they were very cool especially the one who played the Violin in that performance, then i went sightseeing and chatting to my friends at other sections of Lapangan Bali while i was waiting for the next performance. Later the MC announced something that i could only hear vaguely, but the others gathered near the stage so i thought "Ah, this must be the Drama"

After the Drama ended i wait for the final performance, it was a long wait but it's worth it, Hivi and Adera was so good at the stage, I’m very glad that I didn’t came home earlier, if I did go home maybe I couldn’t see the great performances by them which absolutely spectacular i was very happy at the way home.